Useful travel links

Travel advice

Worldwide travel announcements and advisories.
from European Union or World Health Organization.

ECDC Travel Information

This site gives the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s recommended health precautions and warnings for travelers.

Currency Converter

Die Universal Currency Converter™.


One of the easiest of the international time conversion sites around, ideal in case you need to know what time it is in Austria, or anywhere else!

The Weather Channel

All you need to know about current weather conditions.

Google Maps

Get door-to-door driving directions, detailed maps.

Aviation Safety Agency

Air transport is one of the safest modes of travel. It is also the fastest growing.
To keep air transport safe and sustainable, allowing for growth and improved safety. Check out civil aviation authorities and all relevant information from the country you are or where are you going to.

Sommelier Etiquette

Frischen Sie Ihre Etikette mit diesen strategischen Tipps von der empfohlenen Website Link: E-Diplomat

Dominik Kozlik e.U.
Gruberstraße 78/12
4020 Linz, Österreich

© Zeitgeist Sommeliers